Aortic Regurgitation

This is caused by leaky aortic valve which causes blood to flow back into left ventricle when it pumps blood out of the heart.

There are many different causes

Valve related causes

1.Bicuspid Valve – people are born with two door valve instead of the usual three door)

Valve infection

Valve degeneration

2. Aorta – main blood vessel out of the left heart gets bigger.

High blood pressure

Connective tissue disease affecting elastic tissues of arteries.

Unexplained stretching of the aorta

Diagnosis and treatment

It is usually diagnosed with an echocardiogram. Echocardiogram is similar to what I call gel test similar to scanning one’s tummy during pregnancy but it is done on the chest. It is generally painless; however some patients feel mild discomfort during the process. The images show the size of your heart and how well it pumps, and whether the heart valves are working properly.

It is not possible to reverse aortic regurgitation through lifestyle changes or medications.


Aortic Regurgitation is usually a chronic problem. It can be an acute problem which requires emergent intervention.

Regardless of the severity in a chronic setting, symptoms and/or changes in the heart structure (heart is getting bigger due to the leak) are the reasons for intervention – aortic valve replacement.